How to use Saffron

Saffron adds flavor to thousands of cuisines around the world. Besides being a wonderful spice, the Saffron extract is also used in the preparation of medicines and beauty products. The most frequently asked question about the Saffron is “How to use it”. While the method of Saffron usage may be different in different cultures and parts of the globe, we present in this article the most effective way of using the saffron threads, mainly as a spice in cuisines.

  1. Take 2 to 3 threads of Saffron or as the requirement may be and soak them in a cup of Luke warm water.
  2. Let the threads in the water for 10 to 15 minutes until the threads start to lose color
  3. After proper soaking, the cup of water will turn yellowish giving result to the Saffron extract full of fragrance.
  4. The resulting extract can now be mixed with dishes, milk etc. to enhance the taste, fragrance and of course health.

Kesar Kottage provides pure Saffron from the valley of Kashmir at affordable prices. To order from us click the link below:
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